-- President Ronald Reagan, 1981-1989
7.  Thank your Creator, not your government, for your life, liberty, and right to pursue happiness.  Your freedom, your rights, and your liberties come from God, not from your government.  The U.S. Constitution limits and restricts the government from infringing on the rights given to people by God . . . not the other way around.
6.  Whenever you hear the national anthem, stand, remove your hat, put your hand over your heart, and lock your eyes on the flag.  Always.

If you don't know the words, click here and learn them.
5.  Always fight.  Be heard.  Don't Give Up.

March 22, 2010

I am so sorry, my son.

I tried.

I protested.  I brought you with me.

I telephoned.  I telephoned again.

I prayed.  I pleaded. 

And still, they overtook our country, our health care system.  They usurped one-sixth of our economy.  They federalized the student loan program.

Against the will of the citizens . . .

While you slept upstairs in your tiger pajamas . . .

While we watched, betrayed and tearful.

I just want you to know, we didn't all go quietly.

And we will continue to fight.
George Washington 
(Lansdowne portrait) by Gilbert Stuart, oil on canvas, 1796
National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution.
3.  No one is better able to take care of you than you, certainly not your government.  Government is for protecting and defending the collective people . . . not for helping you buy a car or deciding what you'll eat for lunch or seeing a doctor. 
2.  Look not to foreign shores for recognition of the greatness of American leaders.  The truth of a home lies only with the family members.